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Tag: Words by Mike Evans

Tag: Words by Mike Evans

November in the Natural Garden 2021

Forecast: Continued dry and unseasonably warm with no chance of rain. After a decent bit at the end of October, we imagined the storm gates might officially open for winter. It appears that through November, we may have to enjoy only imaginary rain, good enough for a poet or philosopher but completely meaningless in the realm of soil moisture.

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Milkweed & Monarchs: How You Made a Difference

We’re doing it! The numbers are in. In 2021, Tree of Life customers took home and planted around 8,000 native milkweed plants consisting of three species. Other vendors were involved as well. Rogers Gardens in Newport Beach reports sales of around 4,000 plants.

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Essay #8 Mission, Values & Goals

We run a nursery, so plants are pretty important, but by putting pen to paper (as it were) in this exercise, we realized their true significance lies in their (and our) relation to people and places.

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Essay #7 A Work Ethic: Keep Having Fun

Fortunate are the ones who can point to a blurry line dividing their work and play. Concerning values, rich among rich are people who enjoy their jobs. Afterall, most of our waking hours, and a good portion of our whole lives are spent at work

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Essay #6 Recognition Along The Way

We’re out on a hike together, enjoying all the uphills and the downhills alike. Feeling fine, the air fresh and cool, the breeze just right, and a few clouds above to make the sky interesting. We forge ahead, glancing back occasionally to assure ourselves of our path.

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Essay #5 Inspiration Along The Way

The inspiration for our built environment comes from the cultural and natural histories of California. Our garden designs are inspired by nature.

But people are our real source of lasting inspiration.

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Essay #4, Ideas, Endeavors, Directions, & Departments

If you try a lot of stuff, something’s bound to work. At Tree of Life we are singularly passionate about native plants, and with them, indeed through them, we strive to provide inspiration, information and connection to nature. But over our 40-year history, you could say we have sampled from many different flowers within one big garden.

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