Tree of Life Nursery offers several native wildflower seed mixes which are an excellent addition to drought tolerant landscapes. The blends were developed for use in southern California, especially for overseeding among newly installed native plants in the landscape. The seeds are of the highest quality obtainable because they are supplied exclusively to Tree of Life Nursery by S & S Seeds of Carpinteria, California. Please contact the nursery for planting specifications and current prices. The components for each mix are listed below. The percentage for each species has been carefully proportioned based on numerous trials.
Planting instructions: Seedbed or area to be seeded should be prepared by light cultivation and weed removal. Optimum planting season is November 15 through March 31, just prior to anticipated rain. Broadcast seed evenly over soil surface. Rake the area lightly to incorporate seed into the top 1/4″- 1/2″ of soil. A top dressing of composted organic mulch (not manure) is recommended to help maintain even moisture during the germination period.
Maintenance: Irrigate just enough (between rains) to maintain soil moisture during
germination. After germination until initial flowering, sprinkle the area to a depth of about 2″.
After flowering, little to no supplemental water should be needed.
Application Rate:
Ounces | Square Feet |
1 oz | 136 |
3 oz | 400 |
6oz | 800 |
8oz | 1000 |
1 lb | 2176 |
20lbs | 1 acre |
Foothill Mix
Foothill Mix epitomizes one of our most iconic landscapes, the chaparral/cismontane regions of southern California. You can picture the oak woodlands, the clearings in the shrub lands, the spring bloom around such dependable landscape plants as Sugar bush, Manzanita, Wild lilac, Scrub oak, Mountain mahogany, Flannel bush, Lemonade berry, Salvia, Yucca, and Buckwheat. This blend will compliment any native landscape with a truly “wild” look. Here you have tremendous diversity with 17 species, a long and varied bloom season, and tenacity to reseed and come back year after year.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Flower Color | Life Cycle |
Castilleja exserta | Owls Clover | Dk. Pink | Annual |
Clarkia bottae | Farewell-to-Spring | Pink | Annual |
Clarkia unguiculata | Mountain Garland | White-Lavendar-Pink | Annual |
Collinsia heterophylla | Chinese Houses | Violet & White | Annual |
Eriophyllum confertifolium | Golden Yarrow | Yellow | Perennial |
Eschscholzia californica | California Poppy | Orange | Annual |
Gilia capitata | Globe Gilia | White | Annual |
Gilia tricolor | Birds Eyes | Pink | Annual |
Lasthenia chrysostoma | Coast Goldfields | Yellow | Annual |
Layia platyglossa | Tidy Tips | Yellow | Annual |
Lupinus bicolor | Miniature Lupine | Blue & White | Annual |
Lupinus hirsutissimus | Nettle Lupine | Blue & White | Annual |
Lupinus nanus | Sky Lupine | Blue & White | Annual |
Nemophila menziesii | Baby Blue Eyes | Lt. Blue | Annual |
Penstemon centranthifolius | Scarlet Bugler | Red | Perennial |
Phacelia campanularia | Canterbury Bells | Royal Blue | Annual |
Sisyrinchium bellum | Blue-Eyed Grass | Blue | Perennial |
Nature Mix
Nature mix is a great mix for habitat gardens and will attract a variety of pollinators to your yard.
Botanic Name | Common Name | Flower Color | Life Cycle |
Clarkia bottae | Farewell-to-Spring | Pink | Annual |
Clarkia unguiculata | Mountain Garland | mixed | Annual/Biennial |
Eschscholzia californica | California Poppy | Orange | Annual |
Linum lewisii | Blue Flax | Light Blue | Perennial |
Lotus scoparius | Deer Weed | Yellow | Perennial |
Lupinus bicolor | Miniature Lupine | White w/Blue | Annual |
Mimulus puniceus | Bush Monkeyflower | Red | Perennial |
Nemophila maculata | Five Spot | White w/Purple | Annual |
Nemophila menziesii | Baby Blue Eyes | Light Blue | Annual |
Oenothera elata | Yellow Evening Primrose | Yellow | Perennial |
Penstemon centranthifolius | Scarlet Bugler | Red | Perennial |
Phacelia campanularia | Canterbury Bells | Violet Blue | Annual |
Shade Mix
Shade Mix is perfect for shady, understory gardens.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Flower Color | Life Cycle |
Achillea millefolium | Yarrow | White | Perennial |
Collinsia heterophylla | Chinese Houses | Violet & White | Annual |
Linanthus grandiflorus | Large-Flowered Linanthus | Blue & White | Annual |
Linum lewisii | Blue Flax | Blue | Perennial |
Nemophila menziesii | Baby Blue Eyes | Light Blue | Annual |

Trail of Flowers
Trail of Flowers has something for everyone. Create a beautiful rainbow of wildflowers in your garden with this diverse mix.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Flower Color | Life Cycle |
Baileya multiradiata | Desert Marigold | Yellow | Annual |
Camissonia cheiranthifolia | Beach Evening Primrose | Yellow | Perennial |
Clarkia unguiculata | Mountain Garland | White-Lavendar-Pink | Annual |
Collinsia heterophylla | Chinese Houses | Violet & White | Annual |
Eriophyllum confertiflorum | Golden Yarrow | Yellow | Perennial |
Eschscholzia californica | California Poppy | Orange | Annual |
Gilia capitata | Globe Gilia | Pink to Lavendar | Annual |
Gilia tricolor | Birds Eyes | White to Pink | Annual |
Layia platyglossa | Tidy Tips | Yellow | Annual |
Linum lewisii | Blue Flax | Light Blue | Perennial |
Lupinus bicolor | Miniature Lupine | Blue and White | Annual |
Lupinus hirsutissimus | Nettle Lupine | Blue and White | Annual |
Nemophila menziesii | Baby Blue Eyes | Lt. Blue | Annual |
Phacelia campanularia | Canterbury Bells | Royal Blue | Annual |
Sisyrinchium bellum | Blue-Eyed Grass | Blue | Perennial |

Mountain Mix
Mountain Mix is the perfect seed blend to compliment the forest landscape. Of course you can use it in mountain situations, or in any native garden where you want to evoke the spirit of the forest… the mountain meadow or the rich spring groundcover under Pine, Oak, Madrone and Bay. Combine with Meadow Mix or sow in the shade of a woodland garden. Ideal for providing seasonal color on mountain properties. In most situations, plants will establish, reseed and come up every year.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Flower Color | Life Cycle |
Castilleja exserta | OwlÕs Clover | Dk. Pink | Annual |
Clarkia unguiculata | Mountain Garland | White-Lavendar-Pink | Annual |
Eriophyllum confertiflorum | Golden Yarrow | Yellow | Perennial |
Eschscholzia californica | California Poppy | Orange | Annual |
Gilia capitata | Globe Gilia | Blue | Annual |
Gilia tricolor | Birds Eyes | Lavendar/Pink | Annual |
Nemophila menziesii | Baby Blue Eyes | Lt. Blue | Annual |
Lasthenia chrysostoma | Goldfields | Yellow | Annual |
Layia platyglossa | Tidy Tips | Yellow | Annual |
Linum lewisii | Blue Flax | Blue | Perennial |
Lupinus nanus | Sky Lupine | Blue | Annual |
Penstemon centranthifolius | Scarlet Bugler | Red | Perennial |
Phacelia campanularia | Canterbury Bells | Royal Blue | Annual |
Sisyrinchium bellum | Blue-Eyed Grass | Blue | Perennial |

Meadow Mix
A drought tolerant meadow is an excellent replacement for resource intensive, inefficient lawn. This mixture of perennial bunchgrasses and herbaceous flowering natives will create a dynamic ecosystem right in your front yard. Consider combining with one of our other seed blends (like Nature Mix or Foothill Mix…) or plant additional low, speading perennials for added color and textures.
The most effective way to establish a native grassland would be to plant the main components, (the perennial plants and grasses), from containers. Be sure to include grassland plants including White Sage, Goldenrod, Penstemon, and Flowering Buckwheat. Then sow Meadow Mix in between the new plants to fill out the new grassland.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Flower Color | Life Cycle |
Achillea millefolium | Yarrow | White | Perennial |
Bouteloua gracilis | Blue Grama Grass | Silver to Purple to Golden | Bunch Grass |
Deschampsia caespitosa | Tufted Hairgrass | Fine Gold to Gray | Bunch Grass |
Melica imperfecta | Coast Range Melic | Dark Spikelets Fade to Gold | Bunch Grass |
Muhlenbergia rigens | Deergrass | Slender White Stalks | Bunch Grass |
Nassella cernua | Nodding Needlegrass | Delicate to Purple Golden | Bunch Grass |
Nasella lepida | Foothill Needlegrass | Gold | Bunch Grass |
Nasella pulchra | Purple Needlegrass | Delicate Purple to Golden | Bunch Grass |
Sisyrinchium bellum | Blue-Eyed Grass | Blue | Perennial |

Beach Mix
Beach mix is a blend of fast growing wildflowers especially suited for sandy soils near the coast. The species are fast growing, typically early bloomers, and the mix has a long flowering season. It is very drought tolerant near the coast, and capable of handling salty air and night time dews. Beach Mix is excellent as a supplemental mix around woody coastal plants such as Artemisia, Eriogonum, Encelia, Galvezia, Salvia, Fragaria, Ceanothus and many more.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Flower Color | Life Cycle |
Abronia latifolia | Yellow Sand Verbena | Yellow | Perennial |
Abronia maritima | Red Sand Verbena | Magenta | Perennial |
Camissonia cheiranthifolia | Beach Evening Primrose | Yellow | Perennial |
Clarkia bottae | Farewell-to-Spring | Pink | Annual |
Eriophyllum confertiflorum | Golden Yarrow | Yellow | Perennial |
Escholzia maritima | California Dune Poppy | Orange | Annual |
Gilia capitata | Globe Gilia | Pink to Lavender | Annual |
Lasthenia chrysostoma | Coast Goldfields | Yellow | Annual |
Layia platyglossa | Tidy Tips | Yellow | Annual |
Lupinus bicolor | Miniature Lupine | White w/Blue | Annual |
Lupinus hirsutissimus | Nettle Lupine | White w/Blue | Annual |
Lupinus nanus | Sky Lupine | White w/Blue | Annual |
Nemophila menziesii | Baby Blue Eyes | Light Blue | Annual |

Desert Mix
Desert Mix is appropriate for use in the desert regions, and also for gardeners who want to achieve a desert “look” or for use as a over-seed mix in a desert garden. The species need heat and prefer good drainage. Most are spring bloomers, but some will continue flowering well into summer. Since the desert landscape is beautiful during the colorful spring as well as the austere summer, be careful to not sow this mix too heavy. Allow for some warm season “bare earth” and a good view of the rocks, mounds and woody plants of your desert garden, i.e.; Jojoba, Globe mallow, Juniper, Agave, Brittlebush, Chuparosa and cactus/succulent species.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Flower Color | Life Cycle |
Abronia villosa | Desert Sand Verbena | Violet | Annual |
Baileya multiradiata | Desert Marigold | Yellow | Annual |
Eschscholzia california | California Poppy | Orange | Annual |
Linum lewisii | Blue Flax | Light Blue | Perennial |
Lupinus bicolor | Miniature Lupine | Blue w/White | Annual |
Nemophila maculata | Fivespot | White w/Purple | Annual |
Phacelia campanularia | Desert Bluebells | Blue | Annual |
Salvia columbariae | Chia | Purple | Annual |
Sphaeralcea ambigua | Apricot Mallow | Orange | Perennial |

Butterfly Mix
This mixture of annuals contains wildflowers that attract butterflies and offer both nectar and larval hosts to our native species. For a more complete butterfly garden, combine these with other native butterfly favorites like Milkweed (Asclepias), Wild lilac (Ceanothus), Buckwheat (Eriogonum) and Coyote mint (Monardella).
Botanical Name | Common Name | Flower Color | Life Cycle |
Castilleja exserta | OwlÕs Clover | Dark pink | Annual |
Gnaphalium bicolor | Everlasting | Cream | Annual |
Lasthenia californica | Goldfields | Yellow | Annual |
Lupinus nanus | Sky Lupine | Blue | Annual |
Plantago erecta | Plantain | Green/White | Annual |