“Take care of the land, 
and the land will take care of you.”

— Margarita Petra Maria de la Concepcion 'Daisy' O'Neill (1879-1981)

From the blog

July in the Natural Garden

As we build and maintain our mini-ecosystems, we create living narratives and leave dynamic marks for everyone to utilize, appreciate, interpret, read, remember, and hopefully emulate, in both present and future.

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April in the Natural Garden

The cool (never extremely cold) and consistently wet winter/spring season has allowed us to put our gardens on autopilot. Even brand new plantings have required very little extra attention. Our storms have stacked up evenly over the last six months or so, totaling 20” of rain to date (TOLN reading), with more on the immediate horizon. Rejoicing in another easy year to be a naturist gardener.

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Experience Tree of Life Nursery

Every month we invite you to learn with us and honored guests for Tree of Life Workshops. Topics range from landscape design to natural history of California.

Recent Videos

Plants of the California Deserts

Kevin Alison details California desert plants and how they are used in the garden. Kevin covers the evolution of desert habitats and common adaptations of desert plants that allow them to survive and thrive in hot, dry climates. Kevin also highlights desert species that can be planted throughout the summer and add summer color to your garden!

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Designing with California Native Plants

Randi Gunder is an experienced Landscape Designer, whom specializes in California’s Native Plants. In this video, she breaks down her design process and guides us through her professional tips to help you create your ideal native landscape.

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To embody the spirit of California in native plant culture.


People. Places. Plants.

Be fair to everyone; customers, staff, suppliers, colleagues, & associates.

Work to preserve, restore, beautify, and celebrate California’s natural beauty everywhere..

Speak the language of California’s native plants and consistently propagate, produce, and provide them to the benefit of people and places.


Promote gardens in attractive accessible settings that showcase the essence of California’s natural beauty, so everyone can experience the authentic feel of our wild places.