Spring Equinox 2022
Spring Equinox 2022 To mark The end of night, beginning of day And end of day, beginning of night Songs, morning and evening Phrases complex
Spring Equinox 2022 To mark The end of night, beginning of day And end of day, beginning of night Songs, morning and evening Phrases complex
Spring will have sprung after March 20, 2022. Natural gardens everywhere, even the wild ones planted by God himself, will be bursting into new realms of new life in the next few weeks.
Especially during drought periods, our natural gardens become rich oases, each one a green bullseye on the big target for local songbirds, hummingbirds, butterflies and other beneficials. A simple water source like a fountain or bird bath proves to be an additional invaluable habitat in even the smallest garden space.
The whole ecosystem is undergoing a silent recharge beneath cloudy skies and the sun’s arc low in the sky. And we can take a break from garden chores for a personal recharge on a cold windy trail, or curled up with a good book near a warm fire.
ASK LAURA By Mike Evans A couple days ago, our General Manager, Laura Camp, mentioned a problem to me, only in passing, and certainly not
Forecast: Continued dry and unseasonably warm with no chance of rain. After a decent bit at the end of October, we imagined the storm gates might officially open for winter. It appears that through November, we may have to enjoy only imaginary rain, good enough for a poet or philosopher but completely meaningless in the realm of soil moisture.
We’re doing it! The numbers are in. In 2021, Tree of Life customers took home and planted around 8,000 native milkweed plants consisting of three species. Other vendors were involved as well. Rogers Gardens in Newport Beach reports sales of around 4,000 plants.
We run a nursery, so plants are pretty important, but by putting pen to paper (as it were) in this exercise, we realized their true significance lies in their (and our) relation to people and places.
Now let’s talk about those “many garden tasks” for fall. Gardening, like farming, is all about performing tasks today that will pay dividends in 3-6 months.
Fortunate are the ones who can point to a blurry line dividing their work and play. Concerning values, rich among rich are people who enjoy their jobs. Afterall, most of our waking hours, and a good portion of our whole lives are spent at work