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Tag: Garden Maintenance

Tag: Garden Maintenance

Create & Care for a Natural Garden

As native plants become established and the garden starts to function as a whole, rather than a sum of parts, your involvement becomes that of a steward and participant. You will be tending the garden, not maintaining it.

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The California Garden

The California garden is tended nature in miniature. It’s not about the plants. It’s about generosity. It’s about giving back to the land and giving oneself the pleasure and satisfaction of loving, getting involved, and tending a garden modeled after the natural beauty of the region.

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Summer Water for Native Plants

California native plants are well adapted to our climate and can tolerate extended periods of heat and drought in their natural setting. Many natives experience a drought-induced dormancy in the summer. They simply maintain their size and shape, add very little to no new growth, and sometimes even lose a few leaves toward the end of the season.This is how they “tough it out”.

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Native Grasses

Many native grasses here in California are drought tolerant. Listed below are some of our favorite California native grasses.

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The Low Down Dirt On Mulch

After stewing over this for around 10 years, Mike Evans will finally let off some steam and attempt to make some sense out of southern California’s “Mulch Madness” in his presentation “The Low Down Dirt on Mulch.” Watch Mike discuss what works and what doesn’t in regards to putting stuff on the surface of your soil in your native garden.

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The Basic 1-2-3 on Soils for Native Plants

Always try to match the soil, the conditions, and the plant for great success every time. You can only alter the qualities of the soil to a certain extent. The same goes for the site conditions. But plant choices…ahhh, you have hundreds!

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Getting Your Garden Summer Ready

May is an important time in the natural garden with anticipation of long summer heat. In this virtual workshop, Tree of Life Nursery shows you how to properly prepare your garden the coming hot summer season.

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Series: Hey Mike!

Tree of Life Nursery owner, Mike Evans, details the horticultural techniques of Pinch Pruning, hand watering and dead-heading your California Native Plants. Hand Watering: Pinch

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