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Category: PDF Downloads

Intermediate Gardening

Assuming you don’t spend more than a couple of days at a time near 100 in the summer but also don’t describe your general weather as having a coastal influence you probably fit into this intermediate category. In other words you aren’t constantly cool but you aren’t altogether melting either. Below is a condensed list of native plants that will do well in your region.

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The California Garden

The California garden is tended nature in miniature. It’s not about the plants. It’s about generosity. It’s about giving back to the land and giving oneself the pleasure and satisfaction of loving, getting involved, and tending a garden modeled after the natural beauty of the region.

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Summer Garden Color

Summer Garden Color Tree of Life Nursery is here to squash those rumors that California native plants are brown in the summer. The following list

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Fragrant Native Plants

As an adaptation to the arid climate in which they grow, many California native plants have high concentrations of oils that are very pleasantly fragrant. Many of these fragrances will bring a sense of place to your garden.

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Fives Senses Gardening

When you walk into your garden and stimulate your five senses you feel complete. As a child you may have loved chewing lemongrass and picking flowers. Now as adults in our native gardens, we can nibble on sweet grapes, watch seed heads blow in the wind and breathe in the soothing aroma of a white sage.

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Native California Plants for Native Bees and Pollinators

It is important to keep in mind when planting to use a variety of flowers that will provide access to our great range of pollinators. Equally important is providing food for pollinators year round. This can be achieved by keeping in mind a calendar of color when you are choosing your plants.

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Handy Plant Respecifier

The Handy Plant “Respecifier” lists California natives that should replace common exotic ornamental landscape choices. These suggestions are only a small sample of the possibilities available

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Native Plantings for Slopes

For slope plantings you will need an array of plants that have different root depths in order to keep the slope intact. Check out our list of California native plants for your slopes.

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Hard Working Native Plants

The following is a list of native plants that you can put in the ground and virtually forget about except to enjoy their beauty and marvel at their efficiency. These plants work for a living and really earn their place in your landscape.

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Summer Water for Native Plants

California native plants are well adapted to our climate and can tolerate extended periods of heat and drought in their natural setting. Many natives experience a drought-induced dormancy in the summer. They simply maintain their size and shape, add very little to no new growth, and sometimes even lose a few leaves toward the end of the season.This is how they “tough it out”.

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