Fragrant California Native Plants
As an adaptation to the arid climate in which they grow, many California native plants have high concentrations of oils that are very pleasantly fragrant. Many of these fragrances will bring a sense of place to your garden as they are distinctly southwestern aromas. Some of them will permeate the air after a refreshing rain, while others will smell good baking in the sun. Simply rub or crush leaves to release these sweet, minty, pungent and balmy perfumes. Try planting them next to a path, where passersby will brush against them. You’re sure to find them irresistible! Below is a list of plants you will commonly find at Tree of Life Nursery.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Sun Requirements |
Artemisia californica | California sagebrush | full sun to part shade |
Calycanthus occidentalis | Spicebush | full sun to part shade |
Peritoma arborea (this one is an acquired scent!) | Bladderpod | full sun |
Cupressus forbesii | Tecate cypress | full sun |
Condea emoryi | Desert lavender | full sun to part shade |
Juniperus californica | California juniper | full sun to part shade |
Lepechinia fragrans | Fragrant pitcher sage | full sun to part shade |
Monardella species | Coyote mint | full sun to full shade |
Pycnanthemum californicum | California mint | part sun to full shade |
Ribes malvaceum | Chaparral currant | part shade |
Ribes viburnifolium | Catalina perfume | full sun to full shade |
Salvia species | Sage | full sun to part shade |
Clinopodium chandleri | San Miguel savory | part shade to full shade |
Clinopodium douglasii | Yerba buena | part shade to full shade |
Trichostema lanatum | Woolly blue curls | full sun to part shade |
Umbellularia californica | Bay laurel | full sun to part shade |