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Tag: Words by Mike Evans

Tag: Words by Mike Evans

September in the Natural Garden

September, 2022 in the Natural Garden.
As soon as this Labor-Day-thru-early-September heatwave breaks, provide an early morning Deep Soak for your entire garden. Continue with your regular (daily is OK during the heatwave) Refreshing Sprinkles in the late afternoon or early evening.

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August in the Natural Garden

August, 2022 in the Natural Garden.
Following the old adage, Native plants, birds, pollinators, and all manner of living things, (including us), are very busy through each long day, and sometimes we feel tired at the end. Read on to learn how to invigorate both your garden and your spirit, in the bright light of each long, hot day.

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Ugly Is Not a Turf Replacement

To avoid these easily recognizable and just plain ugly “syndromes,” let’s achieve functional beauty by exploring some key planning and planting principles. Consider the following points whether you are replacing existing turf, or working on a new design that might have traditionally been planted with turf, back “in the good old days.”

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June in the Natural Garden

June, 2022 in the Natural Garden. Your natural garden should be just fine in your absence, perhaps it’s at a stage having become “self-sustaining,” so you can go play in nature.

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April in the Natural Garden

Diversity. It is what makes southern California’s flora so amazing, and the lack thereof is what makes southern California’s “ornamental” public landscape so dull. Take a hike, prepared with camera, sketch pad or notebook and you’re in for a pleasant treat.

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Spring Equinox 2022

Spring Equinox 2022 To mark The end of night, beginning of day And end of day, beginning of night Songs, morning and evening Phrases complex

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March in the Natural Garden

Spring will have sprung after March 20, 2022. Natural gardens everywhere, even the wild ones planted by God himself, will be bursting into new realms of new life in the next few weeks.

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February in the Natural Garden

Especially during drought periods, our natural gardens become rich oases, each one a green bullseye on the big target for local songbirds, hummingbirds, butterflies and other beneficials. A simple water source like a fountain or bird bath proves to be an additional invaluable habitat in even the smallest garden space.

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December in the Natural Garden 2021

The whole ecosystem is undergoing a silent recharge beneath cloudy skies and the sun’s arc low in the sky. And we can take a break from garden chores for a personal recharge on a cold windy trail, or curled up with a good book near a warm fire.

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