California Plants for a Sensory Garden
California natural gardens provide unique opportunities for us to use our five senses; sight, sound, taste, smell, and feel.
California natural gardens provide unique opportunities for us to use our five senses; sight, sound, taste, smell, and feel.
As we build and maintain our mini-ecosystems, we create living narratives and leave dynamic marks for everyone to utilize, appreciate, interpret, read, remember, and hopefully emulate, in both present and future.
The spring flew by, didn’t it? Hard to believe we soon will be dealing with long days, hot weather and our plants’ summertime water needs.
Join Randi Gunder from Nature House as she presents on preparing your garden for fall planting during the summer months.
The Festival of Butterflies is more than just an event – it’s a celebration of nature, community, and the beauty of butterflies. Bring your family and friends for a day of joy, discovery, and unforgettable memories.
Monarchs and Butterflies of Orange County
Saturday workshop w/ Colin Dunleavy!
The cool (never extremely cold) and consistently wet winter/spring season has allowed us to put our gardens on autopilot. Even brand new plantings have required very little extra attention. Our storms have stacked up evenly over the last six months or so, totaling 20” of rain to date (TOLN reading), with more on the immediate horizon. Rejoicing in another easy year to be a naturist gardener.