July in the Natural Garden
Native plants are adapted to this extended season of long days with extreme heat and no rain. Our natural gardens, properly planned, planted, and maintained, can become adapted as well.
Native plants are adapted to this extended season of long days with extreme heat and no rain. Our natural gardens, properly planned, planted, and maintained, can become adapted as well.
As native plants become established and the garden starts to function as a whole, rather than a sum of parts, your involvement becomes that of a steward and participant. You will be tending the garden, not maintaining it.
California native plants are well adapted to our climate and can tolerate extended periods of heat and drought in their natural setting. Many natives experience a drought-induced dormancy in the summer. They simply maintain their size and shape, add very little to no new growth, and sometimes even lose a few leaves toward the end of the season.This is how they “tough it out”.
A drought tolerant poolscape of mixed native plants is an appropriate way to add softness, texture and beauty to your backyard oasis.
How to WATER your Native Plants You will be watering less, you will be watering deeply and you will have a beautiful garden! When making
it is important to water thoroughly, and trim back the plants regularly.
Create & Care Planning and planting your garden and getting your California native plants off to a good start is the first fun step in
California Native Planting Guide Instructions for Planting and Care: Your native plants are in top condition and ready to plant. Like all nursery stock, these