Native plants are favorites for hummingbirds. The plants listed here are sure to bring these graceful creatures to your garden. Choose a combination of sun and shade plants for multiple nectar sources. Feeders are not recommended except as a winter supplement and must be replenished consistently*. These tiny birds also feed on insects, so eliminating the use of pesticides in favor of natural control is beneficial (for many reasons!) Be sure to put bells around the necks of outdoor cats, in order to further secure the habitat for your new residents. |
Botanical Name | Common Name | Size | Type |
Aquilegia species | Columbine | 1-2′ x 2′ | Perennial |
Epilobium species | California Fuchsia | Varies by species | Perennial |
Heuchera species | Coral Bells | <1 x 1 – 2 | Perennial |
Linum lewisii | Blue Flax | 1-2 x 1-2 | Perennial |
Lupinus species | Lupine | 1-3 x 1-3 | Perennial |
Mimulus species | Monkeyflower | 1-2 x 2-3 | Shrub |
Monardella species | Coyote Mint | 1-2 x 1-2 | Shrub |
Penstemon species | Beardtongue | 2×3 | Shrub |
Salvia spathacea | Hummingbird Sage | 2×3 | Shrub |
Calliandra californica | Baja Fairy Duster | 3-6 x 4-5 | Shrub |
Cleome isomeris | Bladderpod | 3-5 x 5 | Shrub |
Fouquieria splendens | Ocotillo | 10 x 6-10 | Shrub |
Galvezia species | Bush Snapdragon | 2-4 x 2-4 | Shrub |
Justicia californica | Chuparosa | 2-3 x 2-3 | Shrub |
Keckiella cordifolia | Heart-leaved Penstemon | 3×5 | Vining shrub |
Lobelia laxiflora | Mexican Lobelia | 3 x 3-6 | Shrub |
Ribes species | Gooseberry | 3-8 x 6 | Shrub |
Salvia clevelandii | Cleveland Sage | 3×3 | Shrub |
Salvia greggii | Autumn Sage | 3×3 | Shrub |
Salvia microphylla | Summer Sage | 3×5 | Shrub |
Tecoma x ‘Orange Jubilee’ | Orange Jubilee | 8-10 x 6-10 | Shrub/Small tree |
Trichostema lanatum | Woolly Blue Curls | 3×4 | Shrub |
Arctostaphylos species | Manzanita | Varies by species | Groundcover/Shrub/Tree Options |
Aesculus californica | California Buckeye | 10-20 x 18 | Tree |
Chilopsis linearis | Desert Willow | 10-15 x 10 | Tree |
Parkinsonia aculeata | Mexican Palo Verde | 8-15 x 15 | Tree |
Dudleya species | Live-forever | Low | Succulent |
Hesperaloe parviflora | Red Yucca | 3×3 | Succulent |
Lonicera species | Honeysuckle | Climber | Vine |
Opuntia littoralis | Coastal Prickly Pear | 2-3 x 6 | Cactus |
* Hummingbird feeders need to be cleaned, and changed every 3-4 days – more often in hot weather. Use only warm or hot water and a soft brush to clean the feeder. When the temperature is over 80°F, clean and refill every three or four days. When over 90°F, it could spoil in two days. (If the sugar solution in your feeder turns cloudy, it’s spoiled and needs to be replaced).