California Native Plants For Screens & Hedges
In many landscape scenarios, a tall, dense shrub is necessary to provide a living barrier. The following is a list of drought tolerant, evergreen native plants with dense growth. These tough shrubs are low maintenance by nature, but also lend themselves well to formal hedging. Plant in full sun in well-drained soil. Initial irrigation (first 2 years) ensures a good head start and faster growth (especially at inland locations). Most can be maintained at lower heights with pruning.
- Planting Tip : Adequate spacing is critical. Over planting results in crowded growth and unnecessary maintenance. Be patient with the initial filling-in process, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the growth you have after 3 full years in the ground. *Indicates plant that can be planted very close on center and hedge pruned
Scientific / Common Name | Size | Description |
Arctostaphylos ‘Howard McMinn’ | 5’ | white flowers, red stems, dark leaves |
Atriplex lentiformis ssp. breweri, Coastal quail bush | 6’ | silver-grey foliage, poor soils |
Baccharis pilularis consanguinea, Coyote bush | 4’ | white flowers in fall, fast growth |
Ceanothus ‘Snow flurry’ | 5-10’ | white flower clusters |
Ceanothus ‘Frosty blue’ | 4-8’ | blue flower clusters in spring |
Cercocarpus betuloides, Mountain mahogany | 10-15’ | feathery seed plume, very drought tolerant |
Cupressus forbesii, Tecate cypress | 30’ | light green foliage, reddish bark, fast |
Garrya elliptica, Silktassel bush | 4-8’ | showy silver tassels |
Heteromeles arbutifolia, Toyon | 12’ | white flowers, red winter berries |
Hyptis emoryi, Desert lavender | 5-12’ | grey-green desert plant, fast, aromatic |
Mahonia, ‘Golden abundance’ | 6-8’ | holly-like foliage, yellow flowers, blue berries |
Malosma laurina, Laurel sumac | 6-12’ | red stems and new foliage, fast |
Myrica californica, Pacific wax myrtle | 8-20’ | narrow leaves, lush foliage |
Prunus ilicifolia, Hollyleaf cherry | 8-15’ | white flowers, red summer cherries |
Rhamnus californica, Coffeeberry | 4-12’ | creamy flowers, red summer berries |
Rhus integrifolia, Lemonade berry | 6-12’ | pink flowers, orange-red berries |
Rhus ovata, Sugarbush | 6-15’ | pink spring flowers, berries |
Simmondsia chinensis, Jojoba | 5-7’ | grey-green foliage, dense globe |
Umbellularia californica, Bay laurel | 20’ | aromatic foliage, yellow flowers, berries |