California Native Plants for the Poolside
The plants chosen for the poolside landscape must meet specific criteria. In addition to being beautiful, they mustn’t be overly messy, nor should they be too attractive to stinging insects. A drought tolerant poolscape of mixed native plants is an appropriate way to add softness, texture and beauty to your backyard oasis. The native plants listed below, with their unique grey- green, fragrant foliage, and subtle flowers are perfect choices for the poolside landscape.
- Arctostaphylos ‘Emerald carpet’ manzanita
- Artemisia pycnocephala ‘David’s choice’
- Baccharis ‘Twin Peaks’ Prostate coyote bush
- Salvia ‘Tera Seca’ Tera seca sage

Low Shrubs
- Arctostaphylos cruzensis – Arroyo de la cruz manzanita
- Arctostaphylos ‘John Dourley’ manzanita
- Arctostaphylos ‘Howard Mcminn’ manzanita
- Rhamnus ‘Little sur’ Litte sur coffeeberry
- Salvia greggii – Autumn sage

- Galvezia speciosa – Island bush snapdragon
- Heuchera hybrids – Coral bells
- Iris douglasiana – Douglas iris
- Lobelia laxiflora – Mexican lobelia bush
- Muhlenbergia rigens – Deergrass
- Nasella species – Needlegrass
- Nolina parryi – Beargrass
- Oenothera – Evening primrose
- Penstemon spectabilis – Showy penstemon
- Verbena lilacina – Lilac verbena
- Zauschneria californica – California fuschia

Large Shrubs
- Artemisia tridentata – Big basin sagebrush
- Dendromecon harfordii – Island bush poppy
- Myrica californica – Pacific wax myrtle
- Rhus integrifolia – Lemonadeberry
- Rhus ovata – Sugarbush