California Native Plants for Intermediate Climate
You may find yourself wondering ‘What is intermediate gardening? Do I fall into this category? This is a tricky question because microclimates abound making mileage hard to go by. Assuming you don’t spend more than a couple of days at a time near 100 in the summer but also don’t describe your general weather as having a coastal influence you probably fit into this intermediate category. In other words you aren’t constantly cool but you aren’t altogether melting either. You are actually in a bit of a sweet spot, as you can most likely get away with some coastal plants (provided they are placed well) and still enjoy some of the desert jewels that need a bit more heat to really thrive. With this in mind the list of plants to choose from can be overwhelming! Condensed below is a list of plants that will give your garden a unique California feel while attracting some of the most beautiful butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinators to be found in your neighborhood. Shade and watering requirements can be found on-line in our catalog or we can help you directly here at the nursery. Happy Planting!
Tips for Planting
- Plant in fall and winter, your success rate will be much higher.
- When planting avoid the heat of the day and heat waves.
- Backfill with moist soil when planting.
- When establishing a plant they will need more water than
published requirements. - Pick up or download our planting guide or watch our planting
video before putting plants into the ground. - Micro-climates are areas in your yard that don’t conform to
average climate conditions and should be noted before planting (i.e. full sun site but even hotter than average due to reflected sun from walls and no air movement.) - Water deeply to reach the bottom of the root ball.
(*regionally appropriate nonnative, ASH afternoon shade, SH shade)
Water 2-4x a month
Botanical Name | Common Name | Size/Shape/Habit |
Achillea millefolium | Yarrow | 1-2’ x 2-3’ |
Carpenteria californica | Bush anemone | 4-8’ x 5’ |
Calliandra californica * | Baja fairy duster | 2-6’ x 4-5 |
Lobelia laxiflora* | Mexican lobelia | 3’ x 3-6’ |
Justicia californica | Chuparosa | 2-3’ x 2-3’ |
Muhlenbergia rigens | Deergrass | 2-3’ x 3’ |
Symphyotrichum chilense | California aster | 1-3’ x 3’ |
Vitis ‘Roger’s Red’ | California wild grape | climbing |
Water 1-2x a month
Botanical Name | Common Name | Size/Shape/Habit |
Artemisia californica | California sagebrush | 3-4’ x 2-3’ |
Baccharis ‘Pigeon Point’ | Prostrate coyote brush | 1-2’ x8’ |
Berberis sp. | Barberry | wide size range |
Ceanothus species | California wild lilac | Wide Size Range |
Corethrogyne filaginifolia californica | Aster | 1’ x 4-6’ |
Eriophyllum confertiflorum | Golden yarrow | 2’ x 3’ |
Fallugia paradoxa | Apache plume | 4-6’ x 5’ |
Frangula (Rhamnus) californica | Coffeeberry | 5-15’ x 10’ |
Gambelia sp. | Bush snapdragon | 3’ x 2-5’ |
Heuchera sp. | Coral bells species | 1-2’ x 1-2’ SH |
Iris Pacific Coast Hybrids | Iris | 1’ x 2’ SH |
Isocoma menziesii | Goldenbush | 1-3’ x 3’ |
Monardella villosa | Coyote mint | 2’ x 2’ |
Penstemon sp. | Bugler species | 1-3’ x 2-3’ |
Salvia sp. | Sage species | Wide Size R |
Thymophylla pentachaeta | Golden dogbane | 1′ x 1′ |
Water 1x a Month
Botanical Name | Common Name | Size/Shape/Habit |
Abutilon palmeri | Palmer’s mallow | 5’ x 5’ |
Adenostoma fasciculatum | Chamise | 5’+ x 6’ |
Arctostaphylos ‘Byrd Hill’ | Byrd Hill manzanita | 8-10’ x 8’ |
Aristida purpurea | Purple three awn | 1-2’ x 1’ |
Baccharis sp. | Coyote bush | Wide Size Range |
Cercocarpus betuloides | Mountain mahogany | 6-20’ x 12’ |
Cercis occidentalis | Western redbud | 8-20’ x 10+’ |
Chilopsis linearis | Desert willow | 10-20’ x 15’ |
Cupressus sp. | Cypress species | 15’+ x 8-20’ |
Dudleya sp. | Liveforever species | 1’ x 2’ ASH |
Encelia californica | Coast sunflower | 3’ x 4’ |
Epilobium sp. | California fuchsia | 1-3’ x spreading |
Eriogonum sp. | Buckwheat | Wide Size Range |
Heteromeles arbutifolia | Toyon | 8-15’ x 15’ |
Lysiloma watsonii * | Fern of the desert | 15’ x 15’ |
Malosma laurina | Laurel sumac | 8-15’ x 12’ |
Mirabilis laevis | Wishbone bush | 2’ x 3’ |
Peritoma arborea | Bladderpod | 3-5’ x 5’ |
Prunus ilicifolia | Hollyleaf cherry | 10-20′ x 10’+ |
Quercus sp. | Oaks | Wide Size Range |
Rhus integrifolia | Lemonade berry | 5-15’ x 10’+ |
Ribes speciosum | Fuchsia flowering gooseberry | 4-10’ x 7’ SH |
Simmondsia chinensis | Jojoba | 6-10’ x 8’+ |
Sphaeralcea ambigua | Desert mallow | 2-3’ x 3’ |