California Native Plants for Coastal Gardening
If you find yourself in August barely breaking a sweat and feeling a cooling breeze laced with the faintest hint of salt you have probably landed yourself a highly coveted Coastal Garden! Native plant choices that will flourish and enliven your garden are seemingly endless!
Listed here are just some of the many plants that will give your garden it’s sense of place, identifying it as a coastal California paradise. Transforming your garden with the use of natives and regionally appropriate plants will bring butterflies, birds and pollinators of all sorts as you create for them a true coastal habitat. So let the sound of the waves and the onshore breeze inspire you to turn your garden into your own beach retreat!
*regionally appropriate nonnative, ASH afternoon shade, SH shade
Tips for Planting
- Plant fall through spring, your success rate will be much higher than mid summer planting
- When planting avoid the heat of the day and heat waves
- Backfill with moist soil when planting
- When establishing a plant they will need more water than
published requirements - Pick up or download our planting guide or watch our
planting video before putting plants into the ground - Micro-climates are areas in your yard that don’t conform to
average climate conditions and should be noted before planting (i.e. full sun site but even hotter than average due to reflected sun from walls and no air movement) - Water deeply to reach the bottom of the root ball
Water 2x – 4x a Month
Botanical Name | Common Name | Size/Shape/Habit |
Antigonon leptopus | San Miguel coral vine | Climbing |
Carex pansa | California meadow sedge | 1’x2’ |
Erigeron glaucus (selections) | Seaside Daisy | 1’x 2’ |
Festuca californica | California fescue | 2-3′ x 2-3′ |
Fragaria chiloensis | Beach strawberry | 1′ x spreading |
Heliotropium curassavicum | Salt heliotrope | <11′ |
Limonium californicum | Coastal statice | 1′ x 2′ |
Stachys bullata | Hedge nettle | 1′ x spreading |
Water 1-2′ per month
Botanical Name | Common Name | Size/Shape/Habit |
Abronia maritima | Red sand verbena | <1’x 6’ |
Arctostaphylos sp. | Manzanita | wide size range |
Armeria maritima | Sea pink | 1’x 1’ |
Artemisia sp. | Sagebrush | wide size range |
Baccharis ‘Pigeon Point’ | Prostrate coyote bush | 1-2’x 8’ |
Ceanothus sp. | California lilac | wide size range |
Cneoridium dumosum | Bush rue | 3-5’x5’ |
Corethrogyne filaginifolia californica | Aster | 1’x4-6’ |
Eriophyllum confertiflorum | Golden yarrow | 2’x3’ |
Erysimum menziesii | Menzies’ wildflower | 1’x2’ |
Frangula (Rhamnus) californica | Coffeeberry | 5-15’x 10’ |
Gambelia sp.- Bush Snapdragon | Bush snapdragon | 3’x 2-5’ |
Heuchera sp. | Coral bells | 1-2’x 1-2’ SH |
Iris Pacific Coast Hybrids | Irises | 1’x 2’ SH |
Isocoma menziesii | Goldenbush | 1-3’x 3’ |
Monardella villosa | Coyote mint | 2’x 2’ |
Salvia sp. | Sages | wide size range |
Symphyotrichum chilense | California aster | 1-2’x3’ |
Verbena lilacina | Lilac verbena | 2-3’x 4’ |
Water 1x a Month
Botanical Name | Common Name | Size/Shape/Habit |
Ambrosia chamissonis | Sand bur | 1-3’x 5’ |
Atriplex lentiformis | Coastal quail brush | 4-8’x 10’ |
Baccharis pilularis ssp consanguinea | Coyote brush | 8’x 8’ |
Calystegia macrostegia | Island morning glory | climbing |
Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia | Beach primrose | 1’x 3’ |
Leptosyne gigantea | Giant coreopsis | 3-4’x 2’ |
Dudleya sp. | Live-forever, | 1’x 2’ |
Elymus ‘Canyon Prince’ | Canyon Prince wild rye, | 3-4’x 3’ |
Encelia californica | Coast sunflower | 3’x 4’ |
Epilobium sp. | California fuchsia | 1-3’ x spreading |
Eriogonum sp. | Buckwheat | wide size range |
Iva hayesiana | San Diego marsh elder | 1-3’x5’ |
Lyonothamnus floribundus asplenifolius | Catalina ironwood | 20-35’x 15’ |
Malosma laurina | Laurel sumac | 8-15’ x 12’ |
Mirabilis laevis | Wishbone bush | 2’ x 3’ |
Peritoma arborea | Bladderpod | 3-5’x 5’ |
Quercus sp. | Oaks | wide size range |
Rhus integrifolia | Lemonade berry | 5-15’ x 10+’ |