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Tree of Life welcomes CNPS Members and Friends for Plant Sale Day!

Saturday, October 27, 2018, 9am-4pm

The Orange County Chapter of the California Native Plant Society will be at Tree of Life Nursery to celebrate membership to this statewide environmental organization. Members will be available to share their extensive knowledge of natives and to help you find the right plants for your yard. The public is invited to join in and learn about the benefits of membership (like receiving 10% off all plant purchases at Tree of Life) while also getting some great plant advice!

And there are SPEAKERS!

At 9:30 Kevin Alison, Tree of Life Nursery’s scientist extraordinaire, is giving a new talk “Propagation Big and Small” about different methods, both traditional and less common. Kevin will share some of his latest work in “micro” propagation and fern spore germination.

And at 11:00 Brad Jenkins, President of CNPS Orange County, presents the “First Five” plants from our region to put in your garden along with their uses, care, and companion plants.

Featured photo credit: Sarah Bryant

