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Replace Your Lawn Workshops Mar/Apr 2011

Replace Your Lawn!

Get rid of that expensive water-guzzling, care-intensive lawn, and make way for a gorgeous native landscape!  Back by popular demand, we are presenting our Replace Your Lawn (RYL) workshop series in a four part installment about the basics of converting your lawn into a beautiful, carefree, sustainable habitat.

These workshops will be held SATURDAYS at 9 AM (NEW TIME) in the latter half of March, beginning March 19, 2011.  This RYL series is unique because we are changing the time, and, as we have done in the past, we will cover two sessions on plant selection covering evergreen native plants and flowering perennials seperately.  The four parts are: Killing the Grass, Design Elements, Plant Selection – evergreen foundation plants, Plant Selection – flowering perennials.  Plant and garden care will be covered within the plant selection talks.

lawn vs natural  landscape

All of these workshops are FREE of charge and each session lasts about an hour and a half, (depending on questions!).  Hopefully you will be able to attend each of the sessions at least once.  No reservations are required.

Killed my Lawn Bumper Sticker

Saturday, March 19, 2011 – 9:00 AM
Replace Your Lawn I: Kill the Grass

Carlsbad Native Garden,  Design by Dave Buchanon

Step one – get rid of it!  This may be more involved than you would expect and the methods to get rid of a lawn are quite varied.  Avoid unnecessary labor and learn several successful methods for lawn removal, depending on you turf type, budget, and timeline. First in our popular four-part series.

Download the handout:icon Replace Your Lawn: Kill the grass!

Saturday, March 26, 2011 – 9:00 AM
Replace Your Lawn II:  Design Principles by Back to Natives Restoration

Second in a four-part series about Replacing your Lawn. Now that you have killed your grass, what are supposed to do?  Plan it out before you plant it out.  Reginald Durant, native plant landscape professional from Back to Natives Restoration, will share design principles for landscaping with native plants.  Learn the basic principles of design so you can create your own beautiful garden.

Encinitas GdnSaturday, April 2, 2011 – 9:00 AM
Replace Your Lawn III: Plant Selection – Foundation Plants

Learn about the backbone of every native garden: neat, evergreen and carefree foundation plants.  While California’s flora offers a wide variety of flowering perennials to choose from, be sure to use plenty of hearty evergreen woody shrubs to provide an attractive backdrop to showcase your flowers as well as to keep your native landscape looking full, lush and neat.

sisyrinchium and allium

Saturday, April 9, 2011 – 9:00 AM
Replace Your Lawn IV: Plant Selection – Flowering Perennials

After you have determined the look and feel you wish to achieve in your garden, the fun begins – plant selection!  We will present a group of plants we call our Thirty Plants.  These are the “must-haves” for any native California garden.  This selection of thirty plants represents a handsome mix of the most authentic native plants for Southern California gardens.  As we discuss the Thirty Plants, we will expand our knowledge of natives in general, and learn how to chose the right plants for any particular design theme.

Download the handout:
icon Thirty Basic California Native Plants

DIY Lawn Removal and – Go native!

boring lawn

vibriant habitat

