“Healing, Helpful, & Edible Southwest Native Plants”
How to Harvest, Store, & Prepare
California’s Southwest Native Plants
~with Robin Kobaly~
Botanist, Founder & President of The Power of Plants
3-Hour Workshop at Tree of Life Nursery
Saturday April 18, 2020 ~ 12:30 – 3:30 pm
This three-hour workshop offers a fascinating look at ancient and traditional uses of California native food and medicinal plants, and presents ways to adapt those uses to fit today’s needs. Find out why these powerful native plants’ survival strategies make them so useful to us today. Explore which native food and healing plants can be used successfully and safely, and explore the many other benefits of growing these amazing herbal remedies, edible harvests, and utilitarian providers in your own yard. This popular workshop includes demonstrations and samples, plus tips on identifying and growing each plant, as well as how to harvest native plant species in a respectful and sustainable way.
We invite you to experience our southwest native plants through an immersive approach — through smell, taste, touch, and sight — all with accounts of each plant’s special gifts and traditional powers that can be incorporated into modern-day life. Workshop participants will explore hardy and helpful wild California plants that can add richness to your kitchen, your medicine chest, your home, and your garden, as well as enhancing the lives of your neighborhood wildlife.
It’s fun learning how our native plants can serve as food, beverages, art, utensils, and healing remedies for humans. Each workshop is tailored to native plants that are in season at that time, so we can sample flower buds, blossoms, fruit, roots, shoots, and seeds that are ready for harvest at that time, as well as plants that have been dried or preserved from earlier seasons, just as our Native American ancestors did to add to their year-round pantries. You will look at our native plants with a new perspective after experiencing this comprehensive workshop.