Designing and Building Your New Native Plant Garden
Here are the various ways you can learn a lot and have fun, making a California native garden.

Do It Yourself (DIY)
We’re here to help!
- We will answer your questions, make plant suggestions and to the extent possible, discuss your overall design with you. If you bring photos of the area to be planted that would be helpful.
- Our 9:30 AM Saturday instructional workshops are always free. Check our website for schedule and descriptions.
- Our website is considered one of the best in the industry. Lots of information and inspiration, always new content available, check the blog for essays and ideas.
- In ‘Casa La Paz’, our unique bookstore we carry over 400 titles on all things California, with emphasis on garden design, horticulture, botany, and outdoor lifestyle.
- We often see our customers meeting for the first time during their nursery visits, comparing notes and sharing their stories and experiences in their own gardens.
Designer in Residence (DIR) – On Hiatus*
We’re here to help!
Meet a professional landscape designer (here at Tree of Life, not at your home) for a 45-minute session; basically an orientation and idea exchange. Fee: $45.00.
- Reserve your time slot by signing up on our website or calling us during the week. Sometimes we have openings for walk-ins, so call or drop by.
- Check our website for details on how to prepare for your session. The more information, measurements, photos, and ideas you bring, the better. You may get all your questions answered in the brief 25-minute time slot.
- You may want to continue the discussion and consider working with the designer you have just met at a later date. The designers work independently in close association with Tree of Life, providing the opportunity for you to work with the designer on a “custom design” basis.
Custom Design
We’re here to help!
- We have a list of independent garden designers who will work with you to develop a custom design for your garden. You can choose from our list, or work with a DIR after your first appointment.
- Please call or visit. We will ask you a few questions and try our best to match you up with a designer who will meet all your needs.
My Avant Garden (MAG)
We’re here to help!
- Through our unique relationship with expert horticulturist and garden designer Jodie Cook, we offer semi-custom ready to plant “kits.”
- Your MAG kit includes planting plans, planting instructions, all plants, rocks and mulch where applicable, face-to-face instruction, and exclusive access to the MAG Community.
- Choose from five different sizes including parkway plantings, with emphasis on turf replacement.
- Complete installation is available for an additional fee.
You can try any of these options or combine them to achieve your goals.
Mainly, we want you to know, “We’re here to help!” Thank you.
Featured photo: Sarah Bryant, Tree of Life Nursery ©