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Beach Mix – $6.25

Beach Mix

Beach mix is a blend of fast growing wildflowers especially suited for sandy soils near the coast.  The species are fast growing, typically early bloomers, and the mix has a long flowering season.  It is very drought tolerant near the coast, and capable of handling salty air and night time dews.  Beach Mix is excellent as a supplemental mix around woody coastal plants such as Artemisia, Erioogonum, Encelia, Galvezia, Salvia, Fragaria, Ceanothus, and many more.

Price Per Ounce – $6.25
16 oz = 1 lb.  10% Discount for orders of 1 lb or more.

Botanical Name Common Name Flower Color Life Cycle
Abronia latifolia Yellow Sand Verbena Yellow Perennial
Abronia maritima Red Sand Verbena Magenta Perennial
Camissonia cheiranthifolia Beach Evening Primrose Yellow Perennial
Clarkia bottae Farewell-to-Spring Pink Annual
Eriophyllum confertiflorum
Golden Yarrow Yellow Perennial
Escholzia maritima California Dune Poppy Orange Annual
Gilia capitata Globe Gilia Pink to Lavender Annual
Lasthenia chrysostoma Coast Goldfields Yellow Annual
Layia platyglossa Tidy Tips Yellow Annual
Lupinus bicolor Miniature Lupine White w/Blue Annual
Lupinus hirsutissimus Nettle Lupine White w/Blue Annual
Lupinus nanus Sky Lupine White w/Blue Annual
Nemophila menziesii Baby Blue Eyes Light Blue Annual

Application Rate

Square Feet
1 oz 136
3 oz 400
6oz 800
8oz 1000
1 lb 2176
20lbs 1 acre



