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Joint Statement / Media Release by Rancho Mission Viejo and Tree of Life Nursery

September 15, 2024; San Juan Capistrano, CA 

In 1980, Mike Evans and Jeff Bohn established the Tree of Life Nursery (TOLN) in recognition of their mutual love and respect for California’s native plants.  After nearly 45 years of pursuing their mission of promoting California’s natural environment through the cultivation, growing, and commercial sale of high-quality native plants, Mr. Evans and Mr. Bohn have decided that the time has come to conclude the TOLN journey and to embark on new adventures.

“TOLN has been an incredible blessing,” notes Mr. Evans.  “We have made so many friends and have exchanged so many stories with people who share our culture and passion for California’s native plants.  Per Mr. Bohn: “Mike and I are so very grateful for the success and impact of TOLN; however, we have determined that the time is right to begin winding down the nursery business and to set the stage for our next chapters in life.”

Since its inception, TOLN’s plants and services have been in high demand – so much so that TOLN quickly outgrew its original site and needed to pursue a larger location.  Ultimately, TOLN found its permanent home on the historic Rancho Mission Viejo (the “Ranch”) located in southern Orange County.  Initially occupying a 14-acre parcel on the Ranch, TOLN later grew to encompass the approximately 40 acres of leasehold that currently serve as the base for all of TOLN’s propagation fields, green houses, and commercial operations. 

“The Ranch has valued its relationship with TOLN over the past four decades,” said Jeremy Laster, President of Rancho Mission Viejo.  “TOLN is more than a tenant, they’re more like family, and while sad to see them riding ahead, our partnership with Mike and Jeff has been a privilege and the Ranch is proud to have been the home of TOLN for 40+ years.” The TOLN site will become the future headquarters of the Nature Reserve at Rancho Mission Viejo, which will include the Tree of Life Native Plant Garden. The Ranch hopes that Mike and Jeff will find time in their retirement to have an ongoing role in preserving California’s native plant heritage as part of the Reserve’s educational programming. Stay tuned for more details.

TOLN will begin the winding down process in the fall of 2024, with a final closing date scheduled for December 2025.  During this wind-down period, TOLN will be liquidating its remaining inventory, equipment and materials and restoring the TOLN site.  For information regarding TOLN’s available items for purchase, please visit the TOLN website at or contact Mr. Evans at

