Sayeth the sage,
“I guess it can be explained
When the Earth finds its tilt
And its place in orbit
To be just right
Not too far from
Nor too close to
The Sun,
And its rotation just right
Say for instance
At 2:01 AM PST March 20, 2025,
We call it Equinox,
Latin for ‘equal night’.”
“Equal to what?”
You might ask.
Did you?
“Equal to day,”
sayeth the sage, reminding,
“Only twice a year.”
“Why?” you might ask.
Did you?
The sage answereth,
“In relation to the Sun,
our orbit is oblong,
and in relation to our orbit
and our axis is crooked.
If our orbit were a perfect circle
and our axis perfectly straight,
we would have no seasons
to celebrate.”
“Oh,” you reply.
Sayeth the sage,
“Happy Equinox!
It’s all about the wobble.”